My friend came to my house and later asked my if I had shockwave/flash. He had spent some time following the links in firefox and then adobe's website but couldn't get it installed. Well I have firefox3 installed on NetBSD/amd64 HEAD. I had gnash installed too. So I did:
sudo ln -s /usr/pkg/lib/firefox/plugins/libgnashplugin.so \ /usr/pkg/lib/firefox3/plugins/.
(Note the "3" above.) Killed firefox. Restarted firefox (clicked the button to reopen the saved sessions). And it worked. The gnash worked for whatever site my friend was using. We should have a generic plugins directory for Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface plugins. I suggested again to pkgsrc-users to have a generic NPAPI plugin location.
By the way, a couple weeks later I removed that plugin again. It frequently makes firefox unusable.