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Trying to boot PC-BSD 1.4.1 and I get:
CD Loader 1.2
Building the boot loader arguments
Looking up /BOOT/LOADER... Found
Read error: 0x10
Could not find Primary Volume Descriptor
I found this was discussed a lot, but haven't found a solution yet. My BIOS is K7VM2 for ASRock

I started with version P1.30 and now I updated to 1.90 (dated 9/5/2003). (I have no floppy. So I downloaded freedos ISO image, mounted it, copied it, added the flash utility and new flash, made new iso and burned it. It booted fine and I could update flash fine. My BIOS indicated it was new.) But I continue to get the "Could not find Primary Volume Descriptor" error. I have tried with two different CD drives.