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See the NTP peers with "ntpq -pn". It may take awhile for it to get suitable synchronization source (unless configured with "iburst"). The asterisk shows the chosen NTP server it is syncing with:
[root@nms ~]# ntpq -pn
remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+   2 u   31   64  377   71.892  215.732  95.909
+    2 u   36   64  377   33.936  277.090  69.825     .STEP.          16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000 4000.00
*     2 u   41   64  377   52.701  339.065 93.817
And the plus sign is for the "selection set". Not in this example, but minus sign means ineligible and "x" means it is "insane". (I can't find this documented though -- I found this explanations in some posting.) The 339.065 offset above is 0.339 seconds. So that is within less than a second.

Using nvi from NetBSD HEAD... often when I type:

I get:
Error: move: l(23) c(80) o(0)
It seems like I can repeat it twice then every third time the :w will indicate it wrote the file.

Found more problems with pkgsrc dependencies where my old already installed package is said to be good enough but is missing a dependency defined in a causing:

    ERROR: libfoo is not installed; can't buildlink files.
This was caused by a "rename" of the package. (It was libsigcpp and then glibmm this time.)

One solution is to bump the required versions for the packages that depend on a renamed package. Another idea is a dummy package -- but we don't want that. A third idea is to get the new files to know about the previous PKGNAME and maybe use it.