The following output is from ctorrent. It always allows downloading from your system too. By default, it will continue to provide downloading for 72 hours after your download is finished.
- 68/2/1365 [1395/1396/1396] 382MB,0MB | 9,0K/s | 0,0K E:0,3 Download complete. Total time used: 87 minutes. Seed for other 72 hours. | 0/2/1434 [1396/1396/1396] 382MB,8MB | 0,1K/s | 0,0K E:0,6The above status line is from a patched version of ctorrent (patchset-ctorrent-1.3.4-dnh2.diff). This shows the number of 0 (or 68) complete seeders, 2 incomplete peers, 1434 (or 1365) peers available, 1396 (or 1395) number of pieces completed, 1396 pieces available, 1396 pieces in torrent, 382MB downloaded (this session), 8MB uploaded, 0K/s download rate, 1K/s upload rate, 0K downloaded since last status update, 0K uploaded since last status update, 0 connection errors, and 6 successful tracker connections. (This is documented in the diff.)
I found three security issues related to programs in NetBSD that do a fork as root and then setuid and then exec -- where privileges of the new users are not honored. I discussed some of these on some NetBSD security tickets in RT. I also started a discussion about this. Code not fixed -- even though I have patches.