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I need to remember to add a evince-dvi package (just the library). I have used it several times, but not for a while.

I am curious: what users are missing from a default master.passwd that are mentioned in man pages or hardcoded in base software?

I see that ftp-proxy.c hardcodes username as "proxy" as one example.

I do not know of others.

I see reference in login.conf(5) manual page for:

/etc/login.conf.db  hashed database built with cap_mkdb(1)
I am using NetBSD 2.1 and have used /etc/login.conf various times with older versions of NetBSD. But I do not know when the hashed database .db version used or if it it is generated automatically.

(What code checks to see if the .db version is available versus plain text login.conf? Update on 12/Oct/2006: I see the dbopen code for this in src/lib/libc/gen/getcap.c.) I don't see the relevant documentation. I am looking at src/lib/libutil/login_cap.c, getcap(3) man page and other files.

OpenBSD's login.conf manual page says:

Sites with very large /etc/login.conf files may wish to create a database version of the file, /etc/login.conf.db, for improved performance. Using a database version for small files does not result in a performance improvement. To build /etc/login.conf.db from /etc/login.conf the fol- lowing command may be used:
# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
Note that cap_mkdb(1) must be run after each edit of /etc/login.conf to keep the database version in sync with the plain file.
I wonder if that is same as on NetBSD. (Noticed conflict in documentation for this in FreeBSD and sent PR there and it was fixed later.)