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Imported man-db in pkgsrc-wip.

To build gcc3-c, I used Soren's idea in PR #22506. It was assuming GMAKE was non-existent /usr/bin/make and wasn't installing it.

pkg_install-info wants an info/dir to properly register info entries. When it is 0 bytes, the error is:

install-info: /usr/info/dir: empty file
My work-around was to put a dir template in place. Send-pr: pkg/22555: pkg_install-info should provide info/dir (Was fixed soon later; PR closed on 28/Sep/2003.)

gcc3-c++-3.3.1 built under Linux has a missing gcc3/lib/ (as listed in PLIST). It was saved as (And symlinks were created properly for it.) Send-pr: pkg/22556: wrong filename with gcc3-c++ package (jlam fixed in February 2004 and I closed my PR on 20/Mar/2004.)

Sent patches for scribus update. Documentation is not installed now too (because in different download). Send-pr: pkg/22557: update pkgsrc/print/scribus to 1.0.1. (On 20/Oct/2003, I appended new patches for 1.1.1.) I committed changes and closed PR on 29/Oct/2003.

pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkgdiff wants to use the MANINSTALL. But on some systems (like those using pkgsrc/devel/mk-files) may not have that defined. So the manual pages are not installed. (Also, not tested, but the Makefile sets it to nothing if on SunOS too.) The PLIST is not dynamic so it still thinks the manual pages are installed. Send-pr: pkg/22562: pkgdiff should install man pages (jmmv fixed and closed on 15/Sep/2003.)

pkgsrc/mk/ sets ROOT_GROUP to wheel (if not already set). But most Linux distributions do not have a "wheel" group. Most Linux distributions do have a "root" (usually gid 0) group. You may have problems when installing or the package is adding users when ROOT_GROUP is not existent (wheel) group. othersrc/bootstrap-pkgsrc/bootstrap defaults for Linux to use "root" group for "root_group" (as of December 27). Sent patch. Send-pr: pkg/22566: pkgsrc/mk/ ROOT_GROUP?= root (This PR didn't go through until next day.) (I commited this simple fix myself on 25/Aug/2003 after receiving an email from wiz saying that it "should be okay". I closed the PR myself on 25/Aug/2003.)