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I needed strace on a Linux system (to look at pkg_delete hang) so I packaged it. It is not for NetBSD and only tested for Linux. (It needs to be tested for SunOS, SVR4, Solaris and Irix.) Send-pr: pkg/20770: new package: strace. (wiz closed this, because I imported into wip-pkgsrc on 15/May/2003; he said "All the packages in pkgsrc-wip are to be included in pkgsrc.")

Fixed hanging "pkg_delete -O" with "pkg_admin rebuild".

Sent diff for pkgtools/pkg_install to tech-pkg list to discuss:

- The DESCRiption is more descriptive; also it shouldn't mention that it
it isn't packaged.
- The comment is changed to be more clear on what this package is for.
- Allow it to be registered and installed as a package, because
PKG_PRESERVE is already used.
- Make sure man page is installed correctly when not NetBSD.
- Make sure PLIST has correct path to manpage.
- Make sure that PLIST's exec has this path to pkg_admin executable.

Send-pr'd a editors/ed package pkgsrc for GNU ed: pkg/20771. (wiz closed on 17/May/2003 because I imported into wip-pkgsrc.)

pkgsrc/devel/flex configure script uses the predefined pkgsrc YACC setting instead of autodetecting a yacc (or bison). It will fail even if bison is installed, because the YACC is defined. Defining YACC as bison doesn't work because it needs a -y switch. Send-pr: pkg/20772: devel/flex needs a yacc to build. (Also patch sent gets rid of the PLATFORM restrictions.) I closed this on 04/Oct/2003. My problem was that using the old version of mk-files' /usr/share/mk/ set CFLAGS=. New version is fine, because it does CFLAGS?=. Nevertheless, pkgsrc shouldn't load that over and over again.

Send-pr'd a math/bc package: pkg/20773. It includes dc which is essential for using pkgsrc. (wiz closed on 17/May/2003 because I imported into wip-pkgsrc.)

Send-pr's a sysutils/file package: pkg/20774. (This PR was closed in April by cjep. I added to pkgsrc-wip. And he added to official pkgsrc on 13/Apr/2003.) file(1) is essential for installing via pkgsrc. Hmmm.. can't install file without file. Oh well.