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Send-pr: pkg/19789: MACHINE_ARCH is i686, but Makefiles check for i386. (This was closed on 17/Jan/2003 by jmmv.)

Discusses this some; it was defined in bmake at build time. Recent bmake(1) forces "i386", and soon bootstrap-pkgsrc's bmake will too. I also modified to convert it too.

Send-pr: pkg/19790: www/ns-flash is old, needs different name, and set up links.

Also yesterday, I saw that www/navigator tries to install suse_compat even when pkgsrc is already under Linux. I sent a patch to tech-pkg.

I think pkgsrc should have generic linux_compat, linux_base, linux_x11, et cetera. Then could have:

LINUX?=         suse
# Used by Linux compatibility to choose distribution of pre-made packages.
# Possible: suse, debian, redhat, unity
# Default: suse
**I should pkgsrc up Debian Linux packages. It would be a good test of compat_linux(8).