A Linux kernel 2.4.2-2 server has been crashing with a "panic" every early morning. I read that the "Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference" problem may be hardware related, like failing CPU or bad memory.
I read that "VM: page_launder, wrong page on list." errors are common due to some bug in some 2.4.x versions.
I used "grep kernel /var/log/messages | ksymoops" to decode Linux kernel Oops. Thsi shows what symbols are mapped to the addresses (linux/Documentation/oops-tracing.txt). For example:
>>EIP; c012be0b<===== Trace; c012c88e Trace; c013518f Trace; c013558a Trace; c0135798 Trace; c01b829b Trace; c015624f Trace; c01e0876
"nroff -mdoc2html" works for man2html :) Not perfect (for example bold -f is "-^H-f^Hf"), but works fine.
Built pkgsrc for bin86 and as86 (needed by lilo).