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Installed pkgsrc/games/pacman. It wouldn't install when building as one user, but the X is running as a different user. I opened up the xhost for a moment to workaround this.

It uses ClanLib and offers x11 and glx. The "glx" mode slows machine down and X is unusable.

Packaged bc. If using texinfo, and the PLIST has ${INSTALL_INFO} then be sure to .include "../../mk/". I have a few of my other packages to fix now.

Also learning some more about texi. An install-info warns "no info dir entry" and a delete warns "no entries found". I think this is caused when missing texi @@dircategory and @direntry fields. I need to learn more about this. (Once patched, makeinfo could be ran to generate new info files.)

Proposed a PKG_VARDIR setting so all packages can be consistent where they put files (or access files) under /var, e.g. /var/pkg or /usr/pkg/var. Later, I received link to and was told that hier(7) already says that /var/pkg is for "working files for third party packages".

pkgsrc/sysutils/sh-utils lacks uname. And I see that GNU uname works fine under NetBSD (and is needed for Linux). So send-pr pkg/19066. (Closed on 10/Apr/2003 bu wiz: "sh-utils has been superseded by coreutils, which now installs guname. (but has a conflict with gnome-utils for that)".)