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sadc is the System activity data collector. Ran via cron, it collects information which can be reported sith sa and sar.

[root@mail root]# sa | head -4
45057   19596.59re      48.04cp         0avio       940k
9550     861.11re      29.43cp         0avio       425k   vm-pop3d
656      18.59re       6.83cp         0avio      1774k   perl5.6.0
23915    4001.89re       3.77cp         0avio      1121k   exim*
[root@mail root]# sar | head -6
Linux 2.4.7-10enterprise (   11/11/2002

12:00:00 AM       CPU     %user     %nice   %system     %idle
12:10:00 AM       all      3.61      0.00      1.13     95.26
12:20:01 AM       all      2.02      0.00      0.72     97.26
12:30:00 AM       all      3.14      0.00      0.90     95.96

Updated pkgsrc for gtar-base for new alpha gnu-tar with a couple patches.

Started packaging GNU Lib C (but not with NetBSD patches).