Trying different languages:$ export LANG=sv $ export LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.ISO8859-1 $ /bin/ls /junk ls: /junk: Filen eller katalogen finns ej
A file's first line is "(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)". file(1) says: "BinHex binary text, version 4.0".
So I installed converters/uudeview (and uulib) from pkgsrc.
Using sysutils/gpart to scan disk to find ext2fs partitions. It reported:
* Warning: read error (EIO) near sector(13456422), skipping...And the kernel reported:
wd0d: id not found reading fsbn 13456548 of 13456548-13456551 (wd0 bn 13456548); ln 14239 tn 11 sn 0), retrying(Later, I think I realize that this is beyond the disk!)
gpart found one, but it wouldn't mount after fdisk and disklabel. Used fsck.ext2 and fsck_ext2fs to try to recover. Finally, using "-b 16386" for third superblock, it fscked its way through. So it mounted, and a bunch of broken and complete files were under lost+found (and no where else). I didn't find what I was looking for though.