Used "latex2html -local_icons" to convert a LaTEX document to HTML. The LaTEX document was exported from Lyx. Each subheading in the Lyx documented became a new webpage. This seems to work well.
Used "psnup -2 input.ps output.ps" to put two postscript pages on to one page (6 on 3). Similar to "a2ps input.ps -o output.ps", except a2ps (by default) also places line border around text.
To sniff some packets and show in hex and ascii with tcpdump, you must use -x switch. On Red Hat, tcpdump using -X switch assumes -x too (so -x is not needed). Example:
tcpdump -vvvxXnli fxp0 net 192.168.0 and port 25
Running as root as cd0a and boot as cd0a for a few hours on low memory system seems to have problems. Commands, like ls, give segmentation fault and then stop working at all. Logging in remotely doesd things like: "/bin/csh: Exec format error". When this happens again, I need to try to get to kernel debugger mode.