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Had a minix partition to look at. So with Linux, changed kernel .config to have: ""CONFIG_MINIX_FS=m". And then under /usr/src/linux did:

make modules
make modules_install
insmod /lib/modules/2.2.13/fs/minix.o
Then it mounted fine.

Used "mkisofs -l" to backup both partitions. Had duplicate files, so it reported:

Using ZIMMER_1000.RA;1 for  /mnt/sound/zimmer~1.ra (zimmer~1.ra)
(The shortened Windows filenames was done previously.)

I checked it with:

mount -t iso9660 -o loop old-drive.iso /tmp/mnt3
Then burned cd with:
time nice --18 cdrecord -eject -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 old-drive.iso 2>&1 | tee LOG
This took a little over ten minutes.

Using dd(1) to write image to floppy disk. NetBSD INSTALL and BSD/OS INSTALL docs say:

dd if=INSTALL.img of=/dev/rfd0c bs=18k
(NetBSD says /dev/rfd0a.) Anyways, both caused:
fd0a: hard error writing fsbn 0 of 0-35 (st0 40 st1 1 st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 1)
fd0c: hard error writing fsbn 0 of 0-35 (st0 40 st1 1 st2 0 cyl 0 head 0 sec 1)
And input/output errors.

So I used:

dd if=/mnt/FLOPPIES/INSTALL.img of=/dev/fd0a bs=18k

The disk didn't work. It said "no label" when booting. Tried a few times, including zeroing it out first. Then tried on a third floppy:

$ fdformat
Ready to format /dev/rfd0a with 80 cylinders, 2 tracks, 18 sectors of 512 bytes
(1440 KB) Yes/no [y]?y
fdformat: 87 track formatting errors
$ dd if=~/tmp/INSTALL.img of=/dev/rfd0a bs=18k conv=notrunc
dd: /dev/rfd0a: Input/output error
38+0 records in
37+0 records out
681984 bytes transferred in 36 secs (18944 bytes/sec)
Before I did fdformat couldn't use "rfd".

That worked ... well partially:

loading /boot......----*: short read
And it wanted me to press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot. Should have figured with all those "E" errors.

So did another fdformat on another floppy and no errors. After the dd(1), the disk was bootable :)