Wrote a long email to tech-pkg about "separate stable collection" listing benefits and issues. F. Bruckman said that it is not feasible to have a single branch, but he suggested to cut a new branch for each point release, right after the freeze -- with no long term committment to the branch. A. Crooks disagrees: "Branching pkgsrc is not feasible at all." D. Brownlee says this is distinct from tagging pkgsrc, which is already done; and it probably needs a paid developer to work on this full-time. On that note, he mentioned that regular bulk-builds of pkgsrc for each major release and platform are planned.Send-pr about above xv/libpng problem: pkg/14284. F. Bruckman replied that the version number of the package should have been bumped manually; and it is too late because binary packages are already available on CD and other places. (PR closed.) (Also, H. Feyrer replaced the binary package with one built against libpng.so.2.)
Send-pr about route.8 missing "default" definition (bin/14286):
The keyword default can be used as the destination to set up a default route to a smart gateway. If no other routes match, this default route will be used as a last resort.This 14286 patch was used and PR closed within minutes!
Send-pr about fdisk(8) not referencing mbrlabel(8) and mbr(8); mbr(8) not referencing mbrlabel(8) and mbrlabel(8) not referencing mbr(8). Included three small patches. (bin/14288) (This patch was used and closed on 13/Jan/2002.)
Send-pr that syslog(3) and syslogd(8) should contain more details on what a log message contains. (bin/14290) (gmcgarry closed this on 07/May/2003 after my feedback saying applied patches was okay.)
And another send-pr to patch ls(1) and stat(2) manuals so they explain that a directory entries' file size is based that it is a real file containing dirent(5) records. (bin/14291) (04/Feb/2002: fair slightly changed my patches and used them and asked for feedback; looks okay so PR can be closed.)
Yesterday, I unknowingly uninstalled gnumeric. So I did a "pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/1.5/i386/All/gnumeric". This installed gconf, gnome-libs, bonobo, gnome-libs and more. I didn't save the log, but I saw it opened up gnome-libs and oaf and bonobo twice (showed file listing of tgz file).
So I began to log it and it repeated and repeated.
rainier:~/netbsd$ grep ' get ' LOG ftp> get gnumeric-0.68.tgz "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22751f ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get GConf-1.0.3.tgz "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22751i ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22773a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get oaf-0.6.6.tgz "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22782a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get bonobo-1.0.7.tgz "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22751l ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22803a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22817a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22829a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22840a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-print-0.29.tgz "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22849a ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )" ftp> get gnome-libs- "| ( cd /var/tmp/instmp.22849d ; gunzip 2>/dev/null | tar -vvx -f - | tee /dev/stderr )"
tar: couldn't write to file share/type-convert/postscript.convert : No space lef t on device
pkg_add: pkg `libaudiofile>=0.2.1' required, but `libaudiofile-0.1.10' found ins talled. pkg_add: Please resolve this conflict! pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failedI had several inst* and pkg* files under /var/tmp that I deleted.
Later, I did
time pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/1.5/i386/All/gnumeric 2>&1 | tee LOGAnd 18 minutes, later it died with:
Reusing FDs 4/5 for communication to FTP coprocess Error on unpackURL('ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/1.5/i386/All/watanabe-vfont-19930318.tgz', '/var/tmp/instmp.23037j') Package `gnumeric-0.68' depends on `xscreensaver-gnome>=3.25nb1'. Reusing FDs 4/5 for communication to FTP coprocess Package `gnumeric-0.68' depends on `{control-center,libcapplet}>=1.4.0'. Reusing FDs 4/5 for communication to FTP coprocess pkg_add: short write: Bad file descriptor pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failed ftp: No control connection for command.