I should be a sleep. Alistair answered my request: "make PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=2". This doesn't seem to be documented in Packages.txt, mk.conf.example, packages(7) or mk.conf(5). He also said that "Need an operator" message usually caused by a cvs update conflict, like:<<<<<<< ======= >>>>>>>But I never saw these in the Makefile, bsd.pkg.mk, or bsd.prefs.mk. So I used "PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=2" and he was right. The SDL Makefile was corrupted with these CVS conflict tags. I'll need to remember to not edit the pkgsrc! (Later, F. Bruckman suggested: "cvs update -A > /var/tmp/pkgsrc.cvs.log &" and then search for "^[?CM]" to see what needs to be edited or deleted.)
SDL package had an old work directory for an old version that stopped the make; so I did a "make clean" there. Then I started a "make update" and stopped it after it pkg_delete'd all the required packages. After a "make clean" under pkgsrc, I then used "make bin-install DEPENDS_TARGET=bin-install" to try to quickly install and update all the smpeg dependencies. Some used binary packages and some built from source.
After I woke up... smpeg didn't install. The configure script found old /usr/local/bin/sdl-config but it was the wrong version. So I manually removed all the SDL and smpeg stuff from /usr/local/. I simple did: "while read line ; do rm $line ; done" using the PLIST data from the SDL and smpeg pkgsrc. (Hopefully, it is the same.) I know some source tarballs have makefiles that can do an unistall -- now I see that smpeg does; I should have used it.
plaympeg and glmovie would play videos, but the audio didn't work. I tried a few mpg/mpeg files. (Later, I was told that it is probably a threading issue, because NetBSD uses non-preemptive (pth) threads instead of pre-emptive pthreads.)