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Early in the morning. This laptop is slow. Building new kernel (GENERIC_LAPTOP copy) with PCMCIA_VERBOSE option added. "make" started at 1:21 and took:
3044615 223548  315372  3583535 36ae2f  netbsd
11310.44 real      7912.67 user       587.67 sys
11311.29s real  7912.68s user   587.75s system
Fri May  4 04:29:44 PDT 2001

Looked at catman.c. Some postings on a netbsd list indicate that it doesn't appear to work.

Setup PPP on laptop. Basically I just copied the exact configuration files from my PPP setup on my Debian box (using Debian ppp package).

My Hayes Optima 336 v.34 Data/Fax with EZjack pcmcia card (model # 5347US) doesn't appear to work. It is detected, but tty03 doesn't respond.

pcic0 at isa0 port 0x3e0-0x3e1 iomem 0xd0000-0xdffff
pcic0: controller 0 (Intel 82365SL Revision 1) has sockets A and B
pcic0: controller 1 (Intel 82365SL Revision 1) has no sockets
pcmcia0 at pcic0 controller 0 socket 0
pcmcia1 at pcic0 controller 0 socket 1
isapnp0: no ISA Plug 'n Play devices found
apm0 at mainbus0: Power Management spec V1.1
biomask ef6d netmask ef6d ttymask ffef
pcic0: controller 0 detecting irqs with mask 0xdeb8:..3..5..9..10..11..15
pcic0: using irq 3 for socket events
pcmcia0: CIS version PCMCIA 2.0 or 2.1
pcmcia0: CIS info: Hayes, OPTIMA 336 + FAX for PCMCIA with EZ, 534PAM,
pcmcia0: Manufacturer code 0x10a, product 0x0
pcmcia0: function 0: serial port, ccr addr 200 mask 7
pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 32: I/O card; irq mask 10; iomask
3, iospace 3f8-3ff; rdybsy_active io8 irqlevel powerdown audio
pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 33: I/O card; irq mask 8; iomask
3, iospace 2f8-2ff; rdybsy_active io8 irqlevel powerdown audio
pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 34: I/O card; irq mask 10; iomask
3, iospace 3e8-3ef; rdybsy_active io8 irqlevel powerdown audio
pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 35: I/O card; irq mask 8; iomask
3, iospace 2e8-2ef; rdybsy_active io8 irqlevel powerdown audio
pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 36: I/O card; irq mask
ffff; iomask 3, iospace 0-7; rdybsy_active io8 irqlevel powerdown audio
com3 at pcmcia0 function 0 port 0x400-0x407: serial device
com3: ns16550a, working fifo
pcmcia0: card irq 5
stray interrupt 5

I can dial up and connect successfully via my com0 (/dev/tty00) using my external modem. But my pcmcia modem (com3) doesn't appear to work (using /dev/tty03 instead). I tried "cu" to talk to it, but it won't echo back. My chatscript sends ATZ and it never echos a reply back. I am receiving messages like:

pppd[321]: tcsetattr: Interrupted system call

/netbsd: pcmcia0: card irq 5

/netbsd: com3: 4096 silo overflows, 2 ibuf floods

/netbsd: stray interrupt 5

/netbsd: stray interrupt 5; stopped logging
I did read some postings and the pcmcia manual (BUGS section) about conflicts, but I am not sure what this all means.

Also, I read that FreeBSD has a pccard daemon. But I don't see a pccard daemon for NetBSD. The manual pages for pcmcia(4) and com(4) are brief. Then I saw two pcic kernel threads running -- I guess this means it doesn't need a pcmcia/pccard daemon. (I don't know where this is documented.)