eMediaAdmin Configuration
eMediaAdmin is pre-set with several defaults and can be up and running with very few (or changes) needed.
The main configurations can be found in the index.cgi file.
Required configurations
- $realurl -- the URL with http:// and domain (and maybe path) of the site, such as: http://www.yourdomain.com/.
- $contact_email -- the admin's email.
- $basepath -- the path of the folder to begin placing the eMediaAdmin created files, such as: /home/loginname/public_html/.
- $data_file -- the location of the eMediaAdmin data file, such as /home/username/emediaadmin.data.
## section names should use _ (underscore) for space and
## spell out "and" for the ampersand &
- @sections -- the names of your categorized sections
Also ... change if desired...
- project_name -- the name of your site, such as The Kansas Farmer Magazine.
- $head_font_info -- contains basic HTML information for the font for your headlines on the article pages, for example: color=#30434A face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=5
- $short_font_info -- contains basic HTML information for the font for your article descriptions, for example: color=#30434A face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=4
- $related_font_info -- font information for adding a heading for related links at the bottom of the article.
- $date_font_info
- $author_font_info
Configurations not needed to be changed -- already have working defaults
- $baseurl -- the main url for the site -- but probably a good idea just to use "/" and not full http address if you want to move the site to another domain.
- $cgi_url -- the url of the eMediaAdmin software.
- $templates_path -- location of your templates folder. For example:
$templates_path = '/InetPub/wwwroot/emediaadmin/templates/';
$front_page_fname -- The main table of contents page with the filename your server uses as default, such as index.html, default.htm or index.shtml.
$index_fname -- filename your server uses as default, such as index.html, default.htm or index.shtml.
$html_ext -- The html extension for the pages created -- usually .html (For example, if using server side includes, use .shtml.) Be sure to include the period (.) at the start of the extension name.
$maxlinks -- the max number of page headlines per section saved in the database.
$front_links_amt -- the default number of links to show per section on your front page.
$section_links_amt -- the default number of links to show on section page.
$allowed_upload -- the maximum size in kilobytes of uploaded image or file.
$timezone -- give it a name if you want the a timezone added to your timedate stamps. (Such as "PST.")
$time_difference -- if the timezone where the server is running is different front your current location, you can set a value, in seconds, for the difference.
@can_edit -- the file types a admin is allowed to edit, such as: ('html', 'htm', 'shtml', 'shtm').
$tab -- the html to use for a tab character, such as: ' '
$bullet_char -- the html to use for a bullet, for example is •
$em_dash -- the html to use for a long dash, currently set as '--', because &emdash; isn't always supported.
$related_text -- the heading to use for related links appended to end of the article.
$password -- the password if you choose. (Not the browser/server based password.)